Most of the time, when people have pet allergies it’s because they’re triggered by exposure to pet dander (aka dead skin cells). In all honesty, no dog, animal, or even person for that matter, exists without shedding some level of dander. That said, some dog breeds shed far less dander than others. In fact, this is where we get hypoallergenic dog breeds. If you’re worried size will limit your choices: fear not. Below you can see a list of big hypoallergenic dogs for those who want to go walking with a canine version of a miniature horse.
Is pet dander the only thing that causes pet allergies?
Unfortunately, no. Pet dander, saliva, and fur all contribute to pet allergies. When referring to a hypoallergenic dog, you’re really talking about a very low-shed dog breed since you can’t get rid of the other two attributes.
How can I get around pet saliva triggering my allergies?
Obviously, you can’t get rid of your dog’s saliva, but you can train him to not lick you. In the puppy phase, your allergies may get triggered more often than not, but once your pup knows the rules, those incidents will be much farther and fewer in between.
So that leaves me with fur and pet dander. Is there any way I can minimize it?
Yes! Luckily for you, two of the three things contributing to pet allergies can be worked with. By regularly grooming your dog, you can quickly and easily get rid of excess fur. This is especially important if you get a double-coated dog breed. (Another tip: try to avoid double-coated dog breeds if you want a big hypoallergenic dog as they tend to shed a lot more than their single-coated dog breed companions.) Lastly, you can select a dog that produces minimal dander and hair, aka the stereotypical hypoallergenic dog breeds. Ok! Now to get to that list!
Big Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds:
Pros: very minimal shedding, make excellent family dogs, come in a variety of sizes, highly intelligent and easily trainable, very active
Cons: their coats require frequent grooming, very good jumpers (may require high fences), not good for families that don’t have time for a lot of exercise
Doodle Mixes (Crossbred with a Poodle)
Pros: comes in a wide variety of mixes, healthier than purebred dogs due to crossbreeding, can have a variety of personality traits depending on dog breed mix
Cons: requires a lot of grooming
Airedale Terrier
Pros: great for families and kids, intelligent, can be protective
Cons: some shedding during changing of seasons, not for families who don’t hav time for exercise, not ideal for apartments
Giant Schnauzer
Pros: good for families and kids, Intelligent, make good guard dogs
Cons: their hair is wirey instead of fluffy, require more grooming, can be stubborn and difficult to train
Afghan Hound
Pros: independent, very minimal shedding, great family companion, athletic
Cons: isn’t a big cuddler, not great for apartments, sensitive to stress, stubborn, not easily trained
Pros: VERY cuddly, very minimal slobber/saliva, intelligent, great for cooler climates, social
Cons: a lot of shedding (but minimal dander), double-coated, prone to separation anxiety
Bergamasco Sheepdog
Pros: one of the lowest shedding breeds, eager to please, loyal, easily trainable
Cons: stubborn, pricier due to rarity
Bouvier Des Flandres
Pros: friendly, fluffy, easily trainable, great outdoor dog, eager to please, great with kids
Cons: has a double-layer, requires more brushing to get rid of extra hair
Irish Water Spaniel
Pros: loyal, great retrievers and hunting dogs, adaptable
Cons: not great for laid back owners or those that can’t prioritize exercise
Portuguese Water Dog
Pros: active, great guard dogs, intelligent, great swimmers and retrievers
Cons: not great for owners who can’t commit to daily exercise, can be destructive when bored or lacking exercise
Bedlington Terrier
Pros: hardly drools, looks like a lamb, gentle, spunky
Cons: may not be great with cats or other pets, like to bark and dig
Lagotto Romagnol
Pros: great swimmer, good for apartment life, medium energy levels, affectionate, great with families
Cons: require a lot of grooming, love to dig, susceptible to several life-threatening neurological disorders, very vocal
If you suffer from pet allergies and can’t imagine a life without dogs, don’t worry! There are several hypoallergenic dog breeds from you to choose from.
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