Your Dog and Cumin – The Good and The Bad

If you love to cook or just enjoy well-seasoned food, you’ve likely run into cumin a time or two. When your dog starts to stare with those big puppy eyes, rest assured knowing that in small quantities cumin will not harm your dog.

What is cumin?

Cumin is a seasoning that has been cultivated since biblical times. It originated in Western Asia, however, it can be found in cuisines all over the world. It is especially common in Mexican, Mediterranean, Indian, and Middle Eastern cuisines.

Can dogs eat cumin?

So long as you only feed them a small amount, your dog can safely eat cumin. For larger dogs that means you can use up to 1 teaspoon. For smaller dogs, you’ll only want to consider using up to a quarter (1/4) teaspoon. However, if your dog has a sensitive stomach or is older, it might be best to skip the cumin entirely.

Does cumin benefit my dog?

Yes! Just like how it can benefit people, it can benefit dogs too. Cumin is packed with antioxidants, iron, vitamins, and fiber. It also helps maintain a healthy cholesterol level, promotes weight loss, and has antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. (And so much more!)

Can cumin hurt my dog?

As with most things, anything taken in high quantities can lead to issues. Eating too much can lead to an upset stomach, bloating, and diarrhea. You may want to consult a veterinarian if symptoms persist.

Is curcumin the same as cumin?

Despite the similar-sounding name, curcumin and cumin are NOT the same thing. You’ve likely seen “curcumin” on dog supplements that contain turmeric. Why? Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that has all those health benefits you’ve likely heard associated with it. (Luckily, curcumin is also safe for dogs!)

Do I need to consider anything else when feeding my dog cumin?

Yes! If you are trying to give your dog food with cumin, remember to consider the other spices in the food! Garlic, onion, marjoram, allspice, bay leaves, cloves, cocoa powder, nutmeg, and paprika should all be avoided to avoid irritation or poisoning.

My dog needs help NOW! Who do I call?

Although they both require a fee, you can call ASPCA Animal Poison Hotline at 888-426-4435 and the Pet Poison Helpline at 855-764-7661 immediately to talk to a professional. (You may also want to buy a dog first aid kit.)

As always, use your best judgment when feeding your dog something other than dog food, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your veterinarian if you have any questions. (Click here to learn if ginger is safe for your dog.)

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